Monday 25 January 2010

Third Filming Session

On Saturday 23rd of January we completed our third and final filming session. We had allowed ourselves 4 hours to complete the shoot, including setting up and allowing for delays due to the restrictions of filming in a public place. However, we actually managed to complete the shoot within an hour, even with the setting up of props and equipment and fortunately filming was not disrupted by members of the public or any other external, uncontrollable factors. I feel the efficiency of the shoot was due to the high level of teamwork exerted by all group members.
The only low point of the session was that due to conflicting filming schedules, the actor we intended to play the part of the antagonist would struggle to be available at the time we proposed to film. Because of this, the decision was made for one of our own group members to step in as the part was relatively minor and did not require the character to speak. In retrospect however, I feel this decision actually benefited the project, as the group member was aware of the intentions of the character, having been involved with planning from the beginning and so could convey the exact characterisation we intended for the part.

In all, I feel that filming went extremely well. We worked well as a group, with each individual bringing their own ideas and qualities to each session. I feel that the success of or filming sessions were largely down to our conscientious planning and the collaboration of each individual's ideas in contribution to the final project.

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