Tuesday 19 January 2010

First Filming Session

Yesterday we completed our first filming session- Scene 3, The Staffroom. Ultimately I felt the session was very successful, as a group we overcame various problems and managed to complete the shoot fairly efficiently. The first problem that we encountered was that we were unable to film in the location we had previously intended meaning that that we had to recreate a staffroom setting in a different location. We managed this by arriving at this new location early to set up props and move furniture to recreate the environment required for the shoot. Although one of our actors arrived late, we still managed to complete the shoot within and hour which I felt reflects our effective teamwork and efficiency as a group.
Today I contributed to the editing process by uploading our footage from yesterday and editing the scene together. We are aiming to upload and edit the footage as we film to continue progressing effciently.

Updated Shot List:

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