Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Storyboard and Target Audience Questionnaire

Last week I completed the film brief and photo storyboard for my group whilst they worked on the animatic storyboard and collating and combining the slides for the Similar Media Works presentation. Through the completion of these projects I have found that I am better at producing written projects for the group such as the film brief, as I found completing the photo storyboard more challenging and time-consuming ( the photo storyboard took approximately 3 hours to complete not including photo taking, in comparison to just over an hour for the film brief) This is also reflected in the fact I that find planning and evaluating tasks easier than the actual filming and editing process. Finding which sections of the production process each group member excels in will be vital to how we delegate work to be completed. I feel that we should aim to use the group member best suited to the particular project to be completed as not only will they be able to produce a successful piece of work, they will save time if it is something that comes naturally to them.

I contributed to the storyboard by taking photos with Laura and Lauren and then collating the images and producing the storyboard using PowerPoint. I completed this part of the storyboarding process.
The photo storyboard I produced developed our ideas from our initial storyboard, this time including camera angles and transistions etc. By using photos of example locations we were able to get more of a feel for the piece we are producing and find out which type of shots work best in each scene. We then went on to build again on these ideas and produce an animatic storyboard, which incorporated camera angles, transistions and approximate timings.

This week I have produced a questionnaire relating to our Target Audience Profile which I am in the process of distributing. Once all results have been collected in, I aim to analyse the information gathered to contribute to our group ideas on our specific target audience. Gaining this information from the public is vital in helping the group become aware of who exactly our project is being aimed at so we can make changes and improve our current ideas accordingly.
I have also made some notes for our Target Audience Profile and looked into the target audience and promotion techniques of a film within our genre which I will show the rest of the group at tomorrow's meeting, enabling us to combine ideas and produce the final profile.

Target Audience Research Questionnaire

Target Audience Questionnaire Analysis

Film Brief

Photo Storyboard

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