Tuesday 10 November 2009

Initial Ideas

Yesterday we met as a group to discuss our ideas for our product. We agreed that we were in producing a psychological thriller/horror. Before deciding on a storyline we first came up with various elements we wanted to include within our piece. This included amongst other things, filming techniques. I suggested that we used 'Blair Witch Project style' camerawork whereby the shooting style has an quality. Through my analysis of the opening sequence of this film, I found that this technique was effective to bringing the audience closing to the action and making them feel this as a group but some members felt that using this technique would make our film lack professional quality. Eventually we agreed that if we used this filming style sparingly-perhaps only once within the piece- it could be effective.

When we decided on our storyline, I suggested that the murder at the end is alluded to rather than shown explicitly (in keeping with genre). Another group member disagreed however, feeling that we would have to show the murder. The technicalities of this issue will be discussed at a later date when we work on the plot in more depth.

Another member of our group suggested that we began our film with an establishing shot of the crime scene and that the rest of the film is a flashback from this point. We agreed as a group that this would be particularly effective, and I personally felt that it was a good way to build dramatic tension from the outset of the film, much like The Blair Witch Project and indeed many plays including Romeo and Juliet and Blood Brothers.

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